Lab Information
Hi5 Seminar Series
Lab Information
Hi5 Seminar Series
In our class example, we used GLUT to display some simple 3D geometric primitives. To use GLUT, we needed to include a new import statement at the top of our source code.
from __future__ import division from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * from OpenGL.GLUT import * # <---- New Import for GLUT import numpy as np import pygame
We also had to add a couple lines of code to our OpenGL init function to setup our 3D viewing volume.
class GLContext( ): def __init__( self, screen): self.screen=screen self.aspect=screen.get_width()/screen.get_height() #Calculates and stores our aspect ratio gluPerspective(45.0, self.aspect, 0.1, 200.0) #sets up our 3D perspective view return
Now, we are ready to start drawing some 3D objects. We'll start by just looking a glutWireCube. In the code below we can see that we're translating our cube -1.0 unit in depth and then we rotate it 20 degrees about the X-axis, 30 degrees about the Y-axis, and 40 degrees about the Z-axis. The following code will need to be placed in the display() function that we discussed in the previous set of examples.
glPushMatrix() #stores previous transformation matrix glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) #trasnlates scene -1.0 units in depth (away from the camera) glRotatef(20.0, 1, 0, 0) #20deg rotation around the x-axis glRotatef(30.0, 0, 1, 0) #30deg rotation around the y-axis glRotatef(40.0, 0, 0, 1) #49deg rotation around the z-axis glutWireCube(0.5) #draws a wireframe cube of width 0.5 units glPopMatrix() #restores previous transformation matrix
The resulting image from this example should look like this: